Vivienne at 4 Months

Vivienne at 4 Months

So right in the middle of a very busy week at our house, Vivi Kate turned 4 months old on us. Time, it is a-flyin’! During this time, she has been awake for longer stretches of time, has been issued an actual bedtime, has moved into her big-girl crib in her own nursery, has started sitting in the bumbo seat, and has discovered how fun her hands are as toys!

She also met Uncle Louis for the first time, met most of the Kearney clan, met Kelly Farrell, watched her big sister ring in her 2nd birthday, celebrated her first St. Patrick’s Day, and welcomed Suelen, our Brazilian au pair!

Here’s a snapshot of Vivi Kate at 4 months:

  • She weighs 15 lbs (67th percentile) and is over 25 inches long (77th percentile)
  • She is wearing 3-6 month (or even 6 months) clothes.
  • She goes down easy in her crib at night but it doesn’t last–I end up pulling her into bed next to me in the wee hours. Not that I mind, but I don’t think this can go on forever!
  • She still has rolled over exactly one time, at the beach (in the beach tent) in FL.
  • She loves playing with her hands. She watches them, mesmerized.
  • She has a much greater interest in toys–she especially likes the elephant on her grey activity mat.
  • She loves sitting in the bumbo seat as long as the tray is there with toys for her to play with.
  • Once she gets worked up, it is hard to get her to calm down.
  • She can be fussy about not taking bottles sometimes and seems to be best behaved for me.
  • She loves Caroline and follows her with her eyes.
  • I am most definitely not ready to leave her and go back to work!!

Four month highlights include meeting this guy:

And the Baby Whisperer Vosses:

Celebrating Kay Kay turning 70:

Enjoying boat rides (and LOTS of time in Florida!):

Giving sneaky smiles and showing off dimples:

Reading good books:

Hanging out with the best Big Sister:

And of course, sleeping!

Happy 4 months, Vivi Kate!

1,227 thoughts on “Vivienne at 4 Months

  1. I’m so glad and proud to see Vivi-K featured “in her own right”. That Little Sweetheart deserves a spotlight! NEAL/PA

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