Caroline’s First Day of Preschool and Welcome Suelen!

Caroline’s First Day of Preschool and Welcome Suelen!

March 21 was a big day in our house, starting with none other than Caroline’s very first day of preschool! She selected her very own outfit (a new dress she received for her birthday) and she selected her matching bow. We woke up extra early so we could enjoy a waffle and some blueberries before hopping in the car (with Vivienne) for the 10 minute drive to her new school. I was lucky to find a school that could take her for the rest of the school year (until mid-June).

Here’s our big preschooler!

Doesn’t she look excited for her new adventure??

I headed in to drop off in the Yellow Two’s classroom. We hung up her coat and her new customized “Caroline Camel” bag on the hooks.

Caroline and I had visited her new classroom the week prior with ZERO signs of distress or alarm. “Oh, she’ll be fine!” I assured her teachers. She has never had any separation anxiety. She hardly even notices where I am. She’s been in daycare her whole life, so this will be a breeze! I said all of these things lightheartedly.

Ha ha. Oh how wrong I was. Caroline clung to me like a baby koala to a eucalyptus tree. Her sweet teachers, Ms. Usha and Ms. Maeve, literally had to peel her off of me. Go, go, they said. She will be fine! They said these things confidently. Caroline was a crying mess of sadness and I felt a rock in my stomach. I turned and left. I have been that teacher before, assuring that parent while comforting that toddler and helping with the classroom assimilation. I know the drill and believe in the method–but it doesn’t make it any easier.

At 11, I got a call saying to come get her and I literally FLEW to the school. By the time I got there, she was happy and playing and I waited until noon to scoop her up. She ran into my arms. Oh, Sugar Bear!

Later, during her 2.5 hour marathon nap, I received evidence that she didn’t cry the ENTIRE first day of school:

Later that day, I headed to the airport during a torrential downpour to meet our new au pair Suelen, who was arriving from Brazil (via a flight from Newark). I was excited and nervous to meet this lovely person who would be watching my babies when I went back to work. I was a nervous wreck. Earlier that day, I had set out flowers in her room. I baked cookies. I made a sign. I headed to the airport early. And then I waited. And waited…

FINALLY she arrived off the plane! Immediately I felt relieved. I relaxed and felt calm. Suelen is delightful. She is warm and funny and laughs easily. I scooped her up and home we went to meet the family!

Caroline loved Suelen’s suitcase. They were practically the same size.

The very next day, we spent the day with Suelen, showing her around Arlington (and getting her on our phone plan)!

Welcome, Suelen! We’re SO GLAD you’re here!

87 thoughts on “Caroline’s First Day of Preschool and Welcome Suelen!

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