Happy 2nd Birthday, Caroline!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Caroline!

So Caroline turned TWO on March 14th and if you ask her how old she is, she will tell you, “too much!” Which pretty much sums up how we feel about our sweet girl.

She is loving and sassy and mischievous all at the same time and I just love spending time with her. She is an adventurer—Caroline loves going fast on the boat, high on the swing, and generally with this girl, the more bumps the better. On the other hand, she also doesn’t like any sort of mess, things out of order, or stains on clothes. She is cautious too, and quick to ask for help on the playground if she isn’t 100% sure she can do it alone.

She came down with a stomach bug the day before her birthday and was so adorably sweet and pathetic. I secretly enjoyed keeping her home and getting all the snuggles, even though I hated seeing her feeling so rotten.

On her actual birthday though, she was back to her typical spicy self–including being sassy enough to land her newly-minted two year old self in time out before we even left the house for the day. Oh sweet girl!

We dropped her off at daycare and this sign greeted us:

Have I mentioned I love this school?!?

My parents flew into town that day and we picked her up early from daycare. She was THRILLED to see Kay Kay and Pa there! We headed right to the playground so she could frolic and feel the wind in her hair.

Flyin’ into TWO!

Afterwards, we picked up ice cream sundaes from McDonalds and after dinner, popped a candle in hers and we all sang “Happy Birthday” to our precious girl. This kid loves ice cream above all else. All in al, I think she had a fantastic day!

Here’s a snapshot of Caroline at two years old:

  • She weighs 28 lbs (76th percentile) and is 36 inches tall (95th percentile)!
  • Her favorite thing to say is “I do it!” And she means it. She wants to do everything herself.
  • She loves her baby sister and is always asking about her.
  • The answer to everything is TWO. Including how many tater tots she is allowed to eat and how many times she has been in time-out.
  • She now answers “Okay!” in the most upbeat positive voice when I ask her to do something. Sometimes she even says “Okay, Mom!” #2goingon12
  • She knows the word “mushroom” and I have no idea where she learned it.
  • Watching her do the Hokey Pokey and dance to Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes is a riot. She is always a wee bit behind but very enthusiastic.
  • She is developing a good memory. We went to a playground with a little girl named Tessa then went back 5 days later and her first question after we parked was “where Tessa?”
  • She walks into a room like she owns the place–head high, chest out. Like a boss.
  • We are still working on polishing her listening skills and helping her control her slightly aggressive side.
  • Her very favorite person in the world is Pressy. Followed by Kay Kay & Pa, then doggie, then baby. The rest of us come after.
  • She has had the very best year at CCCC. I am excited for what comes in year two for this little lady!
  • She is stretching up–looking leaner and with less of a giant belly (at least when she first wakes up…the belly is back by bedtime!)

We love you Sugar Bear!

2 thoughts on “Happy 2nd Birthday, Caroline!

  1. Happy Birthday, Sweet Caroline!! As I write this, KK & just a few hours away from getting on an airplane to come see your smiling face. Love, DAD/NEAL

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