Caroline at 21 Months

Caroline at 21 Months

Caroline became a big sister at 20 months, and she has stepped into this role beautifully. I am actually amazed at how smooth this transition has been. She loves her baby sister and is constantly trying to help with her–bringing me blankets and pacis and letting me know when the baby is crying. It’s such a sweet time.

She is also changing so much this month, just in her own development. She knows how to say “Ki-Ki” and Pa, she can fill in words for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, we hear new words or sounds every day (like moon and stars and yellow and milk), and she talks constantly about her friend Ellie from school :).

To back up a bit, while we were in the hospital having Vivi, Caroline was celebrating Thanksgiving with her bestie Roman Noodle:

Then she came to meet her brand new baby sister in the hospital and it was adorable–lots of pointing and “baby” and “milk.”

We brought Vivi home the very next day, then I took Caroline on a stroll–just the two of us. I wanted to spend some time with my girl. She already seemed so much more grown up to me since having a newborn. We collected leaves and took our sweet time.

Then, our neighbor Jo brought over gifts for both girls. Caroline was thrilled to receive Hop on Pop!

However, nothing compared to the excitement of Kay Kay and Pa arriving!

Especially when Kay Kay and Pa take you to roll down the hill and to play in the leaves!

The next day, there was an event at a local elementary school that featured Santa Claus! I didn’t go–I stayed home with Vivi–but my parents took Caroline and had a fun time with all aspects of it…except for the man in the jolly red suit! Caroline wanted nothing to do with him.

First up was this friendly fellow, who Caroline insisted on hugging:

But as you can see, she did NOT feel the same affection for Santa!

She did enjoy the playground with Roman Noodle, though!

Later that week, we attended Shirlington’s Tree Lighting Ceremony, which was freezing cold and a bit underwhelming…however, these light up bears were stationed outside the library, and Caroline loved kissing and hugging them…following Kay Kay’s lead, of course!

Did I mention it was freezing out? Luckily, they opened up the library and offered Story Hour, but we were all bundled up to brave the elements.

We also got to introduce Caroline to the fun and excitement of Christmas traditions–decorating the tree and making Christmas cookies!

I spotted this tiny tree at Target and it had to come home with me. We put all the nonbreakable ornaments on Caroline’s tiny tree. I think she approved!

You can always count on Kay Kay to help you untangle lights πŸ™‚

Next up: cookie baking! We actually got out a rolling pin and cookie cutters and made a floury mess everywhere. It was delightful and chaotic just as it should be when you involve flour with someone not quite two years old. And ta-da! Here is Caroline’s cookie masterpiece!

This last picture I’m going to save to show her prom date πŸ™‚

Here is a snapshot of Caroline at 21 months:

  • She is all about her friend Ellie at school and we’ve had two wonderful play dates with the adorable Ellie (and her fun parents).
  • Her vocabulary is growing every day, as is her comprehension. She now always answers yes to having breakfast and no to taking a nap. When Vivi cries, she points to me and says “milk!” As in, feed that crying baby! Or she will run over to Vivi and shake her finger at her, saying “No!”
  • She is very good at what daycare calls “life skills” like throwing things in the trash, picking up messes, and wiping off counters with paper towels πŸ™‚
  • She is in a super “daddy” phase and constantly asks for Mike.
  • She notices and wants forbidden foods now and inhaled a piece of my birthday cake that someone so kindly gave her.
  • She loves to bring things to the right owner–my phone, glasses, water bottle, make up brush. Mike constantly gets the monitor, books on his nightstand, and his phone.
  • She loves singing and dancing around–twirling, tip toes, and the strangest skip I’ve ever seen. Current favorite songs are Happy Tappin by Elmo, Twinkle Twinkle, The wheels on the bus, and the Seasons song from ballet class.
  • She loves giving big hugs and jumping on Mike or me from the changing table when we least expect it!

Here is our girl from her “big sister” photo shoot:

Happy 21 months, Sugar Bear!

7 thoughts on “Caroline at 21 Months

  1. Hi Laura–It’s wonderful that you are making sure Caroline stays in the spotlight–where she belongs. I’m certain she knows and feels that every day!
    Love, Pa/NEAL

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