Welcome Vivienne Kathleen

Welcome Vivienne Kathleen

IT’S A GIRL! A beautiful little GIRL!

Vivienne Kathleen Spead entered the world on November 22, 2018 at 2:54 am, weighing 8 pounds, 12 ounces, and measuring 21 inches long. She had a great set of lungs, a head full of dark hair, and beautiful pink coloring. Mike and I instantly fell in love. Caroline instantly became a wonderful big sister. And just like that, we were a family of four.

But to back up a bit…

On Tuesday, November 20, I left work as I usually did and picked up Caroline from daycare since Mike was teaching. She was adorable, running around in her little red riding coat as we popped into the grocery store for a few items. I kept her up later that night and snuggled her just a bit longer than normal. I think deep down, I knew this baby was on its way. Then on Wednesday morning, November 21, both Mike and I were scheduled to work from home. I woke up feeling a few very minor contractions. They were so mild I didn’t even track them, but strong enough I thought this could possibly be the day. Mike ran Caroline up to daycare (which closed at 1 pm for the Thanksgiving Day holiday), but before he left, I had him snap a few pictures of my and my girl. Just. in. case.

She loves to balance on the bump. No hands needed!

I did a little bit of work but then called Joy because I felt like I was leaking amniotic fluid. She smartly told me to go to the hospital to get it checked out. I called my doctor who agreed–then I quickly took a shower, wrapped up some work emails, did some laundry, and made arrangements for my aunt and uncle to get Caroline at daycare when it closed at 1 pm. Of course, the ONE DAY all year that daycare closes early!

This is what I looked like before leaving for the hospital:

Mike and I ready for the adventure awaiting us!

We stopped and grabbed lunch en route to the hospital and pulled in to George Washington University Hospital around 11:30 am. We checked in to the Labor & Delivery floor and they had me put on a gown and confirmed I was having contractions but that the fluid was not amniotic so I should get dressed and we could go home. I made a quick run to the restroom and when I came out, Mike said, “Guess what?? We aren’t going anywhere…the microscope confirmed it actually was amniotic fluid and we are here to stay!”

They transferred me to a delivery room and started me on pitocin around 3 pm. Every so often, they would increase the levels of pitocin, starting at a 2 and going up in increments of 2. (I don’t think I ever got higher than a 10.) Mike and I relaxed, watched HGTV, and chatted, as the contractions got stronger. By 7 pm, I predicted the baby would arrive between midnight and 3 am. By 9 pm, I was ready for an epidural–which I didn’t get until about 11 pm. That was the hardest part of labor.

As soon as I got the epidural, I got warm and sleepy and took a nap for a few hours. When I woke up, I was ready to start pushing, which started at 2:45 am. One of the doctors asked what our final gender guess was–both Mike and I said, “BOY!” At 2:54 am, our bundle of joy arrived. They immediately placed the squirmy, fussy hot little body on top of me and I couldn’t even see the gender. Eventually, I heard Mike say, “it’s a girl! It’s a little girl!” and we were both so, so happy.

She laid on top of me for awhile, while I talked to her and told her how glad we were that she arrived. Mike cut her umbilical cord. After about an hour, a nurse took her and put the drops in her eyes and measured her, then weighed her. 21 inches long. Eight pounds, 12 ounces. Beautiful pink skin. Perfect. She kept both eyes shut and when she did open them, she opened only one.

Mike and I called my parents first, and then his. We woke them all up to tell them they had another granddaughter, and let them know the name. They were all so happy for us.

Around 6 am, the nurses rolled me into our recovery room where we got a few hours of sleep before our first wave of guests arrived.

Joy arrived first! Her timing was perfect because she and Joel were leaving the next morning for a trip to Jamaica. She brought flowers and a bag full of wonderful snacks and treats. I got to look at her and introduce her to my DAUGHTER…and Eliza’s future best friend 😉

Finally this little lady opened her eyes and Joy snapped a picture:

Our happy little family!

Shortly after Joy came, Meg came in with Big Sister Caroline! We announced to Meg that we had a baby GIRL and she was thrilled for us. Caroline was so excited to meet the baby. She kept saying “baby!” over and over. She wanted to kiss her and give her blankets. It was so sweet.

Then Uncle Ed, Aunt Susan, Holly, and Susan’s sister Marylu came…followed by Lee, Raul, and Roman. We got to announce that we had a new baby daughter!

Later in the day, flowers arrived from my Mom and Dad. They were beautiful and like last time, I wanted them to go right into the baby’s bassinet for a picture.

Mike’s brother sent us this lovely message from their family, all gathered on Thanksgiving:

And after the friends and family left, I snuggled this little lady.

And enjoyed the hospital’s Thanksgiving lunch, which was actually AWESOME.

The next day (Friday), we had a few more checkups, Vivi got her first bath, and then we prepped to head home. Vivi got to wear the gorgeous hat that her Big Sis Caroline wore on her inaugural trip home.

Vivienne enjoyed her hospital vacation so much, she didn’t want to leave!

Mike and I took our customary “we’re exhausted but happy” picture outside our recovery room:

And on our way out of the hospital, we ran into our most favorite nurse of all time–Lisa Marie Cook!

Mike and I drove home with both of us in the front seat and Vivi in the back. We pulled up to our house around 5 pm. Caroline and Meg were inside waiting for us.

And just like that, real life (post-hospital vacation) began for this family of four!

3 thoughts on “Welcome Vivienne Kathleen

  1. What a fine account of that wonderful event! And it’s amazing to think that Young ViviK will always be able–even many years from now–to read about her entrance into this world. Thank you for recording and sharing with us. Love, PA/NEAL

  2. I always enjoy reading about our beautiful granddaughters. They are little treasures and how they come into this world is the greatest miracle of all. Congratulations to both of you! Thank you for posting. Love, KK

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