When You Just Need to Go

When You Just Need to Go

So each year it’s a mad scramble to get done ALL THE THINGS before mid-December, when we fly to Florida and spend 10 days with my amazing family.

This year was even crazier because I had found tickets to a concert I wanted to go to that just so happened to be the night before we left.

July Laura said, oh how fun! Let’s buy the tickets. We’ll go for my birthday celebration. This will be a great way to kick off Christmas vacation!

December Laura stood frazzled amidst the half packed bags, incomplete Christmas cards needing to be mailed, a dog that needed to go to the sitter’s house, a husband trying to catch a flight to make it home in time, and a screaming baby. December Laura had just one thought for July Laura: WHYYY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME???

But because the gods of poor planning were looking out for us that night, these amazing things happened:

  1. Mike caught an earlier flight home which prevented him from getting stuck and unable to make our FL flight,
  2. Finnegan’s dog sitter still wanted to keep him EVEN THOUGH he pooped on their floor first thing,
  3. Our delightful babysitter gently pushed us out the door while Caroline was throwing a fit and Mike was saying, “She is just so upset…Maybe we should cancel??”

“Just go,” she said calmly. “We’ll be fine.”

So we did. And boy was that the right call.

Not only was our delightful cherub back to her sweet self a few moments after we closed the door, Mike and I had so much fun. Neither of us had realized how much we had really needed that night out.

Carbon Leaf was a fun band I learned about in my college days, so many moons ago. They are kind of a blend of The Proclaimers, Zac Brown Band, and barenakedladies (am I dating myself here?). They are such a good group to see live, and even better to see at The Birchmere.

What constitutes an awesome concert when you’re in your teens and twenties? Being on your feet the entire time, being surrounded by other die-hard fans (even if they sometimes step on you or spill beer on you), and not caring about how late you’re out.

Now, to contrast that–when you’re in your mid-thirties and you go to a concert, you appreciate the little things. The fact that the venue is 3 miles away from your house/sleeping baby. That it has a parking lot ON SITE. And there are spaces. That you walk right in (no crazy lines) and sit at a table, and in 6 minutes, a glass or red wine is in your hand and your dinner order has been taken. The stage was so close you could see the pattern on the lead singer’s tie (wasn’t that cute he wears a tie? I know. That is such a thing you would think about a musician when you’re in your mid-thirties).

Check out this creative beer holder:


The show got out around 10:30 and we were home by 10:45. Priceless. And the cherry on top?? Our babysitter had done the dishes! (This is the mid-30s equivalent of someone bringing beer to your house when you’re in your early 20s).

Cheers to birthday celebrations!


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