Caroline at 9 Months

Caroline at 9 Months

Happy 9 Months, Sugar Bear! Today, this little lady went and turned 9 months old on us. She’s officially been outside longer than she has in. She will take her SEVENTH (roundtrip) flight tomorrow. Pretty impressive if you ask me!

Here is a snapshot of Caroline at 9 months:

  • Eats everything and anything. We still give her purees because we are too chicken to try anything else. But we should!
  • She’s a-scooting all around. Not crawling per se, but can definitely get from Point A to Point B quickly.
  • She had her first babysitter (2x in 2 weeks!) and did GREAT.
  • She must hold something in her hands at ALL times. While on her changing table especially.
  • She loves to play downstairs on the big blanket. Mostly to put all the toys in her mouth, but she is slowly showing interests in the balls, the xylophone, and the toys that light up and make noise.
  • She said farewell to her first caregiver, Hamida, who is going to Bangladesh for 2 months! So sad. Hamida made me feel comfortable leaving my baby to go to work. And Caroline loved her too. You could tell.

Weight & Length:

18.25 lbs (51%), 28.125 inches (69%)


She wears everything from size 9-12 months clothes. I bought this penguin sweater last year before I knew her gender. At the time I thought it would be so long until the baby could wear it. But look where we are!

We received some lovely gifts in the mail from friends and family this month. In the picture above, that soft jellycat bunny rabbit is a new favorite around here. Mike named him Hippity Hop (we have a moose named Clippity Clop so it was only fitting).

From my friend Kelly, these adorable boots! I loved them but even more, I loved watching Caroline love them too.

And Kelly’s mom, an amazing knitter, made her this most gorgeous, perfect blanket. She included a note with it too, saying that she stitched love into every stitch…and that’s a lot of love! I tucked the sweet card into her baby book. Every time we snuggle under this blanket, I tell her about the lovely Mrs. F. who made this special gift for her. If this baby ever wonders if she is loved, she simply has to look around her nursery to know the answer!

And as luck would have it, we got to host friends in from out of town for my Favorite Things Party! Here is the best shot we managed to get of this Zoo Crew. Don’t believe Caroline’s antics in this picture–she loved this crowd:

Happy 9 months, little lady!

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