Caroline Meets Santa Claus

Caroline Meets Santa Claus

So even though we’re a week away from Thanksgiving, we took Caroline to meet The Big Guy. SANTA CLAUS! I realize this is not the typical time for your little one to meet the man in the jolly red suit, but when you have out of town plans for Turkey Day AND you have family to visit in Florida starting in mid-December, you realize quickly that you’re running out of weekends so you do crazy things like get all dolled up to meet Santa Claus on the 18th of November.

I myself had fond memories of sitting on Santa’s lap at the Roosevelt Mall in Jacksonville when I was a little one. I remember the elves circling busily around this Very Important Person. I remember thinking of him kind of like a god of sorts, because when you are six years old, all that talk about things you believe in but don’t really see–like Jesus, Santa, leprechauns, and unicorns–all get jumbled together. Most of all, I remember each child that visited Santa received a little gift –a duck whistle. My two brothers also received whistles and much to our delight, they made the LOUDEST duck sounds in the giant, echo chamber that was the Roosevelt Mall. We trotted along next to our Mom, gleefully blasting our prizes, while she ran errands in the mall. Finally she spun around said with eyes ablazing, “ENOUGH! Give. Them. To. ME!” Fun over. Duck whistles confiscated.

Now as an adult, I have to look back on that story and think whyyyyyy, Santa?? Seriously, that was the chosen gift to hand out? Not bubbles or crayons or toy cars?? Why would you do that?

Anyway, fast forward to 2017. We arrive early enough in the day that Santa had no line of children waiting to meet him. (See the perks of going on the 18th of November?) We were quickly greeted by a less-than-impressed elf who explained the various photo purchase packages to us. I actually respected the fact that all parties involved understood the reality of this situation: we were here for a phot-op. Nothing more, nothing less. No telling Santa how good you’ve been or convincing him you really need a Nimbus 2000. When you have an 8 month old show up in plaid taffeta and tights, we all know it’s for the photo.

Caroline’s reaction to Santa was similar to the first time she went swimming in a pool. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. This girl has a poker face you wouldn’t believe. It’s like she, too, understands we are here for one purpose and one purpose alone.

So here in all it’s crowning glory is Caroline’s first meeting with Santa Claus:

For the meager sum of $30 American, we received no fewer than 75 tiny portraits of our taffeta-clad tot. Rest assured I sent those tiny gems to anyone and everyone who has ever met my child. Hello Amazon delivery man! You know all those diapers you leave on my doorstep? They are for this little lady and she wants you to have a very Merry Christmas! You know that if I paid for them, I am going to get my money’s worth!

Cheers to the Christmas season!

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