Thanksgiving in Alpharetta 2019

Thanksgiving in Alpharetta 2019

After a whirlwind week celebrating our Birthday Girl, we headed down to Alpharetta, GA for a few days to celebrate Thanksgiving with Mike’s family. It was extra special because his parents joined us from Lowell, MA this year. They had had a rough year health-wise and while Mike had seen a lot of them this year, the girls and I had not seen Grandpa Harry and Nana since May. It was delightful to get to spend time with them. We enjoyed quality time, delicious food, warm weather, and Southern hospitality at its finest!

Mike’s sweet brother and sister-in-law did so many thoughtful things to make our trip south so easy–they borrowed car seats, high chairs, and pack n plays so we would be able to travel light (ish). It’s amazing how those things make such a difference!

Here we are waiting to board our flight…we got to the airport crazy early due to the holiday, but we actually had too much time just hanging around, which sometimes can be almost worse!

After an easy flight, we met John at the airport and headed to John and Eva’s house, where Nana and Grandpa Harry were waiting:

Vivi showed off her furniture cruising skills, dramatic flair, and megawatt smile:



We enjoyed the mild temps–playing cornhole in their backyard and taking in a few dog walks and playground visits with our sweet cousins.

These same cousins also introduced Caroline to peanut butter toast and gave her her first ever ponytail! She instantly looked 8 years old:

We enjoyed a delicious smoked turkey for Thanksgiving and all the fixins! Caroline enjoyed telling Grandpa Harry all about her travel turtle…

While Vivi slept through most of the feast, clutching the sweet bunny that Nana gave her:

The next day, we set off to pay a visit to the Georgia Aquarium! It did not disappoint. Beautiful, colorful tropical fish everywhere, Beluga whales, and Caroline’s personal favorite–the Japanese Spider Crab! (Who knew??) The other highlight of the day was the Sea Lion Show, where the animals performed funny antics (to the crowd’s delight). Caroline and Vivi enjoyed it, but only a fraction of how much they enjoyed the yogurt they shared while watching the show…

We even convinced the aquarium mascot to take a picture with us…

We headed back to John and Eva’s, exhausted but happy!

Thank you, Alpharetta, for a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend!

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