Type A Team Weekend Getaway: Hayrides and a Visit to York

Type A Team Weekend Getaway: Hayrides and a Visit to York

Angela, Joy, and I reserved the last weekend in October to get together with the Type A team (plus kiddos!) at cute little Larrimore Farm, where you can enjoy all of the fun fall things to your heart’s content–pumpkins, apple cider donuts, apples, hayrides, and corn mazes. We packed a picnic and sampled the delicious apple fritters that they make on site. The last time we were here, Caroline was 7 months old, and neither Vivi nor Eliza were on the scene. Look at all these big kids now!

We thoroughly enjoyed the wooden cutouts:

And the hayride was a big hit!

We took a tour through some beautiful woods:

The sweetest part was how all of the little girls fought over who got to push Vivi in the stroller:

We enjoyed a lovely picnic then headed to Angela’s house for the night. The kiddos napped in the car and when we pulled up, the weather was rainy and cold…perfect for a fall evening. Joy got to snuggle these matching littles:

Who were later joined by a slightly bigger little…check out these triplets!

The kids all played so well together. It was so cute seeing Caroline run after the bigger kids and call dibs on her favorite toys (a Minnie Mouse cash register and an Ariel bath mermaid doll with ‘real’ hair). She, Eliza, and Vivi took a bath in the big tub together, and then one by one, the older kids joined in until their were more tiny bodies than there was water!

Vivi and Eliza bunked up in pack n plays in the bathroom, and Caroline joined the big kids in the Julia’s room for her very first sleepover.

Julia read to us (beautifully!!!) from Charlotte’s Web:

We three had them all down by 8:30 and went downstairs for Italian food, wine, great conversation, and chocolate!

We thought we were doing well until about 11:30 pm when I heard a small sound at the top of the stairs…I went to inspect, and there was Caroline, sitting there WIDE AWAKE. I don’t think she had slept at all. She said, “Hi Mommy! All of my friends fell asleep…do you want to come up here and play a game with me?” Angela thankfully took over and brought her back to bed, promising her chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and OJ for breakfast if she fell asleep. We didn’t hear a peep out of her for the rest of the night.

In the morning, Ang did make that delicious breakfast, and I had a great helper give Vivi her bottle:

And we packed up and drove home mid-morning. It took forever to get home because Caroline kept having to stop to go potty.

Later the next day, Caroline was eating Nutella and I asked her if she knew what was in it. “Hazelnuts,” I told her. “Ohhh, does it have Julia nuts, too??” she asked. Now doesn’t that make so much sense? She just loves her little friends. We had a fabulous time with everyone!

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