Caroline at 27 Months

Caroline at 27 Months

Right as summer got into full swing, Caroline turned 27 months old. She is getting too old for monthly updates, so after she hits 30 months (which normal people call 2.5 years old), I will do them every 6 months. It’s crazy though because she changes so much and so quickly! Month 27 has found Caroline fighting sleep (no night night mommy!), stringing together longer and longer sentences (I will wear this bow on my head when we go to Troy Park and play with friends!) and becoming more adorable–and defiant. We’ve seen a few temper tantrums that I do NOT want to revisit and some of the sweetest unprompted ‘I love yous’ that I hope I never forget.

Here’s a snapshot of Caroline at 27 months:

  • She has the very best belly laughs. I love making her laugh when she doesn’t hold back,
  • She LOVES the pool. She asks “we go swimming Meg’s house??” and loves having me toss her up in the air in the pool and doing motorboat.
  • She is becoming such a great helper with Vivi. She likes to help feed Vivi and wants to eat Vivi’s baby surfboards.
  • She loves to sit with Vivi and always makes sure her feet are covered under the blanket.
  • We had to get a book called “No No Yes Yes” to talk about things we do and do not do…like yes yes color on paper…no no color all over the couch with a red crayon! So far Caroline loves the part where she can say no no and shake her finger.
  • Potty training is going pretty well except when she gets too busy playing and then we get zero notice!
  • She finished out her first year of preschool and she had a great time at the end of year picnic…until I had to drag her home kicking and screaming. She NEVER wants to go home. The picnic was cute too because she tried to get a friend (JoJo) to sit on the blanket next to her. Caroline slapped her thigh and said, “sit down here!” And JoJo didn’t–she ran off with another friend. Caroline was so confused and even sad for a second and then got up and ran after them to play too. Just another reminder of how resilient kids are.
  • Each night at bedtime, she and I snuggle on her rug, each with a pillow, and read a few books–The Pokey Puppy, Dear Cowgirl, and Hop on Pop are a few of her favorites right now.

Some highlights this month of our big girl:

Happy 27 months Sugar Bear!

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