Tried and True: Toddler II

Tried and True: Toddler II

In mid-August, after more than a few incidents of Caroline biting her sweet classmates in her Toddler I classroom, our preschool director decided to move her into the other toddler classroom to see if that would make a difference. So we found ourselves in Toddler II, and dare I say after one month, while our little piranha hasn’t totally mended her ways, her biting incidents have greatly decreased and she does seem way more busy, happy, and stimulated in this classroom. Hooray for Ms. Eloisa, Ms. Tam, and Ms. Lauren!

Here is Caroline at Music Class with her favorite music teacher Ms. Katie, who comes on Tuesday mornings to get these little people all riled up:

If this isn’t adoration, I don’t know what is! Could she get any closer?

Here are the little people all lined up, listening to a story:

She enjoys the cool creative ideas they come up with, like this homemade game of putting balls in the holes of a cardboard box:

Here she is practicing buckles and honing her fine motor skills:

And let’s not forget Art Class–look at that focus!

And her very favorite activity…meal time!

Hope you have a great year in Toddler II, Sugar Bear!

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