Kay Kay and Pa’s Memorial Day Visit

Kay Kay and Pa’s Memorial Day Visit

Kay Kay and Pa came to visit over Memorial Day and they watched Caroline while Mike and I went to Nashville for a long weekend getaway. It was wonderful because we got to spend time with them and celebrate my dad’s birthday and they got to play with Sugar Bear all on their own.

They arrived on Tuesday, May 22nd. I got them from the airport and we all went and picked up Caroline from her classroom. They couldn’t believe how big she had gotten since Christmas or how good of a walker she was!

The next day, Mike and I went to work while Kay Kay and Pa stayed home and played with Caroline. They kept this kid BUSY…they met up with Baby Roman, and Nanny Nancy & Toby, and never sat still. Their events included a trip to the park, the library, and Kay Kay’s favorite part…feeding Caroline a Popsicle, which she had never had before!

Caroline also tricked Kay Kay into giving her part of her banana for breakfast:

At the library, this little lady explored the manipulatives table. Such a curious little bear!

At the park, she made a baby friend named Nicole who was celebrating her first birthday. Caroline even shared her Pooh Bear!

And since it was Memorial Day Weekend, all of the Arlington County splash pads were opening. So before I left for Nashville, I carefully laid out a bathing suit–an adorable pink and white polka dot number that still had the tags on it. It was size 18 months and since Sugar Bear was 14 months old, I figured it would fit perfectly.

And then I got these pictures from Pa of Caroline sporting her new suit with Kay Kay at the splash pad:

Sooooo, I guess it was a wee bit tight! Mike and I cracked up laughing when we saw these pictures.

Mike and I flew home on Sunday night, arriving home just after Caroline went to bed and right in time for a delicious homemade spaghetti dinner, which we enjoyed in our sparkling clean house. Can Kay Kay and Pa come EVERY holiday weekend?!?

The next day, Memorial Day, we took a stroll around the neighborhood with our little outdoors enthusiast. I put Caroline in a cute patriotic bubble outfit, which led to this conversation:

Mike: Is that what she’s wearing today? Where are the pants?

Me: Yes–it’s a bubble. It’s an outfit by itself. You don’t wear pants with a bubble.

Mike: I have never heard of a bubble. But I think it really needs pants. Doesn’t it need pants??

Me: Sigh. Ahh, northerners!

As you can see, Mike won…but only because it was a little chilly, not because the pants made sense!

Later that day, Kay Kay and I went to Carter’s, where she picked out this adorable little bathing suit that was a size 18-24 months. Now Sugar Bear is officially ready for summer!

Happy summer, Sugar Bear! Summer looks good on you šŸ™‚

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