Weekend Top Ten: Royal Wedding, Oakridge Spring Fling, and a Water Table

Weekend Top Ten: Royal Wedding, Oakridge Spring Fling, and a Water Table

We enjoyed the very best weather this weekend and took full advantage by playing outside a LOT. Caroline is growing and changing so much and it it clear we are in for one fun summer. This little girl loves water and playgrounds and Popsicles. What more do you want from summer besides those things??

Highlights of our weekend, in chronological order:

  1. The Royal Wedding: Oh yes, we watched it. With fascinators on, or course, and baked treats. Caroline even joined in at 7 am and WAIVED back at the TV when Princess Charlotte waived to her. Heart-melter!

2. (2 Year Old’s) Birthday Party: Caroline’s classmate Ethan turned two and we joined in the toddler mele at the JCC in Fairfax to celebrate. This was a first for us and it was fun to talk to the parents of Caroline’s baby friends, all of whom seem surprisingly cool and laid-back. The party favors (a sand pail and bottle of bubbles) were a HUGE hit with Caroline, who wore the pail on the crook of her arm like a purse for the better part of the weekend.

3. The Silver Diner: Sunday morning we headed out to breakfast, one of Mike’s favorite weekend pastimes. Caroline was fairly well-behaved and ate a TON of food. Honestly I don’t think we’ve seen her get full yet.

4. Bon Air Park: We stopped by here to check out the roses (gorgeous!) and the playground equipment (yucky and sand-covered). Caroline loved running through the little paths that weave through the roses.

5. Hooray for Naptime: I am honestly loving the fact that every weekend day, we get to hit the ‘pause’ button on life for 2 hours, right smack in the middle of the day, let Caroline snooze, while we recharge as well. Sometimes I run to the grocery store (alone! fabulous!), other times I lay down too, or read a book, or fold laundry–but it is a perfect window of time to restore myself. And once Sugar Bear’s up, off we go on more adventures!

6. Speady Baby #2 (11 weeks): Tired. That’s the word on the street so far for this pregnancy. I cannot complain though because I have zero other issues. That and give me allll the peaches because this baby is loving them! People ask if it’s harder with a toddler and being tired and honestly, the toddler brings about the delightful break in the day for naptime, and there’s been many an instance when I have indulged in a nap here or there as well!

7. Book Fair!: Post nap, we plopped Caroline into her stroller and set out up the hill for the Oakridge Elementary Spring Fest event. Our first stop was the book fair where we collected a stroller full of delightful reads for our budding literary star. This year, she had a hand in helping make the selections.

8. Just Ducky: Her first carnival game. Big milestone! I tried to keep my OCD at bay as other kids cut her in line, the person (a 10 year old) manning the booth didn’t seem to understand the basic operations, and the prize selection was less than stellar. But Caroline got to shove her hands in water and she walked away pleased as punch with a bouncy ball and a tiny kazoo, so that’s a win!

9. Train Ride: I paid for a ticket for Caroline and then without thinking, at the last minute all three of us hopped on the train to ride around the school parking lot. Oops. Maybe this means we cheated the Spring Fling out of two paid seats? I dunno. I hope with covered our costs in generous donations to the book fair. Anyway, it was so worth it because she LOVED the train! The breeze, the turns, the bouncy seat–she waived to people and clapped her baby hands and was simply delighted!  loved the Oakridge Spring Fest!

10. Caroline’s New Water Table: I knew this purchase would be a must-have and it did not disappoint. We pulled it out for the first time late Sunday afternoon and she loved putting the balls down the ‘spiralin’ seas’ tower and drinking from the little red water cup. Check out this form-fitting bathing suit–I am hoping it will last through the summer but no promises!

Cheers to a wonderful weekend!

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