Mother’s Day 2018

Mother’s Day 2018

We celebrated Mother’s Day on Saturday this year, because I was flying out to Austin, Texas for the Travelin’ Chicks gathering later that afternoon. Mike planned a wonderful day and it was made even sweeter by the fact that we knew Little Peanut was growing bigger and bigger at 10 weeks along. The weather was perfect, so we headed out bring and early to DC’s newest hotspot–the Wharf!

We started out with coffee and delicious biscuits.

Sugar Bear was skeptical at first…

But then she quickly got on board with the biscuits and jelly!

Then we headed out to the docks to enjoy the gorgeous waterfront view.

We played in the fountains, which Sugar Bear loved. She squealed with delight every time her fingers touched the streams of water.

Then headed out to brunch where Caroline proudly gave me the present she MADE for me. It was a reusable bag decorated with her hand prints in the shape of a flower. I started crying like a baby and got to blame it on the pregnancy hormones…but seriously, how wonderful is it to get that very first homemade gift from your favorite little person??

We headed home and put Caroline down for a nap. Mike gave me some gorgeous flowers and beautiful silver watch. He also gave me the card (and plant) that Caroline made in daycare.

I packed up and headed off to the airport for a fun week with the wonderful ladies in my family, feeling so lucky that I get to be the mom of this incredible little girl, her tiny sibling growing inside me, and wife to their daddy!

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