Sugar Bear the Polar Bear

Sugar Bear the Polar Bear

The day my family flew back to Florida, the weather was cold and rainy. As the day went on, it also got colder and the wind picked up. The air smelled like snow. Then I learned that snow was in the forecast for the very next day–March 21. Up to 6 inches, in fact.

We woke up the next morning to a Winter Wonderland. Add believe it or not, this was the most snow we got for the entire season.

Mike and I worked from home, and daycare was closed. We all stayed in our pajamas as long as we could! Sugar Bear couldn’t believe the snow outside.

After her morning nap, I bundled her up in her warmest polar bear suit, hat, and boots, and grabbed the sled from the basement. It was time for Sugar Bear’s inaugural sledding trip! We bought this sled last winter in anticipation of a perfect snowy day, and it never came. Better late than never!

We walked to the little park at the end of our street, which has a tiny hill perfect for first-timers. I climbed aboard the sled with Sugar Bear while Mike stood at the base of the hill to film the Big Event.

You can just sense her excitement! I pushed off and down we flew…at the base of the hill, I turned to look at her and got…nothin. No change of expression. Not one bit. Kindof like when we put her in a pool for the first time. We made a couple of more runs and headed back home. She did manage to squeak out a laugh, after I tickled her belly on the last sledding trip down 🙂

Happy first sledding day, Sugar Bear!

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