Babies, Bubbly, and Brunch

Babies, Bubbly, and Brunch

We have made some wonderful baby acquaintances since our very own arrived last March, and Mike and I made a New Year’s resolution to have more people over to our house for fun events–especially those who have little ones. So fast forward to a chilly day in mid-January when we invited a small group of friends (all of whom have had babies in 2017) to join us for some old fashioned baby camaraderie, brunch foods, and (of course) champagne.

We had a good turnout and the babies all got along, as did the parents. The champagne bottles all ended up in the recycling bin, so I think we can call that a success, right??

I was especially thrilled that Griffin–Caroline’s very FIRST friend–could come! Griffin also brought his very cool mom, as you do when you can’t yet drive (or, for that matter, walk). Let’s just take a look at that little charmer! He has the very best smile. It melts your heart.

I wasn’t the only one smitten with Griffin’s charms. Here is Caroline making sure he would be able to come to her birthday party, still two months away. She knows a good friend when she sees one!

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