Baby Milestones

Baby Milestones

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a CRAWLER! It’s official. Caroline is crawling on all fours–hands and knees.

She is getting faster and will hightail it right away to the most dangerous item in the room. Mike and I were both working from home on a recent snow day and placed her in the middle of the room where it was 100% impossible for her to get into anything that was dangerous. One quick email reply later, she emerged from under the couch with a crayon. A CRAYON?? I didn’t even know we owned crayons. Well, apparently we do. A brown one, at least.

Amazon Prime is coming tomorrow with 348 of those plastic electrical outlet cover thingys. Mike doesn’t know yet what his big Sunday plans are but I do believe childproofing is in his future.

We also have a big crib sitter and puller-upper, so it was time to lower the crib mattress. Which also meant mounting the video monitor and moving the crib so she can’t pull the plug out of its socket. Sigh…this childproofing game is like “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” only the danger version: If you lower Caroline’s crib mattress so she can’t flip out of her crib, she’s gonna want to play with the wires that are now exposed…and if she’s gonna want to play with the wires, she’s going to want to pull them out of the wall…

We also have a big kid eater. I ditched the purees, opting instead to give her tiny bites of diced food, and held my breath. I should’ve known better than to worry. If it’s food, this girl will find a way to get it into her baby face, that’s for sure! And see the scoop on her bib that catches food babies drop? Right as I was about to dig out the dropped food to give to her (as the Dinnertime Grand Finale) she went ahead and did it herself. She is not going to let that go to waste. No ma’am. Not when you have these two pearly whites ready to go!

Here she is, pretending like she is going to be ladylike with the food. Please. We all know you are going to make baby terodactyl noises and shove your fist full of food right into your face.

I am always amazed at the number of people who say Caroline looks just like Mike. And then I see pictures like this and they are 100% right. This is such a Mike face.

And just when I think that none of my genes were passed along to my daughter, I see a picture like this and realize, oh yes. She is mine 🙂

Messy face and all.

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