Taking the Plunge

Taking the Plunge

There comes a time, in every relationship, where you realize you simply must move on. You realize you have gotten all you can from it and you are just not interested in trying to make it work out any longer. I’m looking at you, iPhone 5s. I am done with your tiny screen, mediocre camera, and constantly draining battery. I am so over your random shutdowns at 26% (why?????) when I desperately need to capture my baby sitting in a precarious position inside a hallowed-out pumpkin on my front lawn.

Mike convinced me the time had come. And truthfully, I was ready for the sweet new camera. iPhone 8+, we were coming for you. Now, I am about as cheap as they come. You will find clothes in my closet that I still consider “new” because I bought them after college. (You will also find clothes I wore in college, delighted that they “still work,” which probably says a lot about how I feel about fashion.) So when I learned that all I has to do to save SEVEN HUNDRED dollars on the new iPhone was change my phone number, I said done. And where do I sign. OK by me. Do you know how many trips to Florida I can make with SEVEN HUNDRED dollars? A lot.

So we went to the AT&T store after work one night and after a very painful 2.5 hours (where we severely regretted leaving our diaper bag in the car), we were the proud owners of one very cranky, tired, hungry baby AND two new phones.

Ooooooh. Ahhhhh.

After the very first picture I took in portrait mode, I was sold:

iPhone 8+, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


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