Baby’s Got the Fever

Baby’s Got the Fever

Caroline had her first (serious) fever this weekend. It crushed me to feel her hot little face and see her temps hit the triple digits. At first her temp read 102.7. Then in the morning, it was 100.1 and I breathed a sigh of relief. It shot back up to 104.7. That is so high. The sweet side of this terrible fever was that she wanted all the snuggles. She hasn’t been this snuggly since her first few weeks home, and I soaked up every minute of those deep, hot breaths into my neck and that limp, sack of potatoes little body snoring softly on me as I rocker her in her beautiful nursery, admiring the sunny, windy, gorgeous October day.

We also got to snuggle together under this handmade white blanket. Mike’s sweet coworker gifted this to Caroline and I couldn’t love it more. It is seriously like cuddling with a bunch of tiny clouds all sewn together that have that delightful baby smell.

Don’t worry. The fever didn’t stop her from making coffee this morning. We ALL needed a pick me up. Monday, we’re gonna make the best of you.

The best part of this Baby Barista scene was that I walked with her over to the Keurig and whispered softly, “OK, here is how we make coffee…you open this lever and put in this pod and then…”

Wham. She slams the lid shut.

She turned to me like a boss as if to say, “yeah, got it.”

Atta girl.

We also took advantage of the Most Gorgeous Day of Fall with an impromptu photo shoot.

And despite the recommendation to “starve a fever,” this girl couldn’t get enough of that fall foliage. Mmm, delicious.

Happy Halloween Eve!

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