Lobstah Baby
Halloween Parade! Halloween Parade! The signs had been announcing this all week. This is the first year we’d be living in our cute neighborhood with a little one and I was super excited to attend this fun event. I love Halloween and all things associated with it–the creativity, the costumes, the candy, the neighbors hanging out part of it. I have wonderful memories of Halloween as a kid in Florida, running from house to house sweating and panting and questioning my Ewok costume selection (so, so much fur) and promising myself the following year I would go as a Hula dancer so I could wear my weather-appropriate bathing suit.
No joke–one of my criteria for houses, when we were searching, was “trick-or-treat-ability.” I think it says a lot about a neighborhood when it can pull off this most creative of holidays. The Halloween Parade, I am happy to report, did not disappoint.
The parade was from 3-5 pm and I spent Caroline’s nap time putting together her sweet new ride, which Amazon had so kindly delivered in the nick of time:So when she woke up, I loaded her up and off we went. My little LOBSTAH baby!! In a pot. Because, yesss. She actually seemed to enjoy it…or at least, she didn’t cry or whine. I put a super cozy blanket in the bottom so she would be comfortable.
And of course every little lobstah in a pot needs a chef or two to accompany her. My co-chef Mike will join on for the real deal on Tuesday (he was out of town for this event).
The Halloween Parade was a great party! Great music, food & drinks, and even a fire truck was on-site. There were so many people and so many creative costumes–one little girl was an amazing jellyfish. An entire family was the crew on the Orca, the boat from Jaws…complete with the boat, which they had constructed out of cardboard.
We met some nice new people, the costume was a hit, and just when I was about to roll out of there, I heard our names announced–BEST BABY COSTUME. We got a tiny adorable trophy, and the tiniest bottle of bubbles.
Ladies and gentleman, may I present to you our 2017 Aurora Hills Costume Winner:
Mike drop!