Halloween Sneak Peek

Halloween Sneak Peek

Halloween is just around the corner. As for us, we are READY. Our costumes are in. Our candy is here (which may have been a bit premature. We are now dangerously low on candy. Unless you like Peanut M&Ms, which I do not. The 100 Grands, however, were drastically more delicious than than I remember. Or maybe my palette has just become more sophisticated?). Anyway, Mike and I have always loved this holiday.

Last year, when I was pregnant with Caroline, we paired up as a construction worker and a “spead bump.” That pun–does it ever get old??

This year, it’s even better because Caroline gets to join in the fun.

And join in she will! She tried her costume on, and tolerated it fairly well…

Which we’re chalking up as a win.

The big reveal will come on October 31st. But this gives a taste of what our little girl is going to be…

Happy Halloween!


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