Vivienne at 10 Months

Vivienne at 10 Months

Vivi Girl turned 10 months old in the middle of September. I was out of town but she celebrated in style by going to her very first swim lesson, which she loved–her good buddy Charlie is in her class and her Big Sister was in the one afterwards. She has had a little bit of a rough month–teething and a little cold kept her up and cranky at night, running on Motrin and Mommy snuggles. I didn’t mind but holding her 20 pound self got tiring after soo many nights! On the plus side, she is eating ALL the things you put on her tray, loves saying “mama!,” and is crawling and pulling up everywhere!

Oh–and she really loves bath time 🙂

Here she is acting like a big kid watching The Great Zucchini–check out those shoes!

Here she is hanging out with her buddy Eliza:

And playing with pots & pans!

Posing with Big Sister–matching of course!

She’s starting to love books–especially those with pictures of babies!

She had a few days and nights where she only wanted to sleep when being held:

She is the object of affection at the library–here she is with a buddy:

She loved swim class but it totally wiped her out!

Here’s a snapshot of Vivi Kate at 10 months:

  • She is crawling everywhere–and pulling up to standing, holding onto the ottoman in her room and onto the side walls in the bath tub.
  • She is loud and makes a lot of noise when she wants something.
  • She has to hold something in her hand when on the changing table.
  • She is soo squirmy on the changing table. If you don’t hold onto her, she will roll right off!
  • She says “mama” over and over when she sees me.
  • She lights up when someone walks into the room and her face breaks into a huge smile.
  • You can get her to laugh–deep belly laugh–if you tickle her.
  • She loves throwing her water cup, eating avocado, carrots, purees, cheese, meat, you name it!
  • She wears size 2 in shoes, 3 in diapers, and 12 months clothes.

Happy 10 months, Vivi Kate!

20 thoughts on “Vivienne at 10 Months

  1. I’m always glad to see The Vivi Girl get some time in the spot-light. And I see she’s now wearing bows in her hair like you-know-who. DAD/PA/NEAL

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